Monday, May 9, 2011

It may sound cliche, but....

Where I come from, rain is a good thing...

If you live under a rock, or outside the state of Texas, west Texas has been on fire for weeks.

A month ago today, the largest fire in the states history started in an abandoned structure and went in to burn 314,444 acres. The 'Rock House Fire' is now listed at 95% contained...thank you firefighters from around the country.

Yesterday was my second Mother's day as a mommy. We didn't have any real big plans, just maybe a bbq with some friends for dinner. On our way home from church, we could see the telltale sign of another fire...smoke rose high into the sky. One of my best friends were told to pack up and be ready to evacuate...before the sheriff reached his car, he turned around to tell them that the fire had jumped the highway and they needed to get out asap! Ashes were falling all around looked like it was snowing. We could see that the fire was heading near the arena that we keep our horses and it was much too close for comfort, so I packed a bag for us and gather the important papers (ss cards, birth certificates, marriage license, etc.) loaded up the Booger and met Stuart at the arena. He had the horse trailer hooked up and ready to go as soon as necessary.
From where we were, we watched planes and helicopters dropping water and fire retardant on flames. Eventually, the flames were lessened and the winds were cooperative and we were able to go home for the night. This fire has already destroyed approx 4,000acres.

As most of you know, Stuart is a cowboy. Everyday he is riding fences, checking waters, branding calves etc etc. Today, however, ANOTHER fire broke out and now his job description also includes firefighter. I can't speak for him, but I was not aware that this skill was required!!!! Luckily, it is branding season so the ranch has more people there than a usual day. Currently, Stuart and the other guys are using a bull dozer, road grader, and a sprayer truck to build a fire lane (an area void of grass and brush) in an effort to keep fuel from the fire. No fuel, no fire...

The Farmer's Almanac says it will be at least another month before we get rain. After 10 months without rain, I'm not sure I'd even recognize it anymore...but until then, I pray for the winds to die down, the men to stay safe, the women to keep everything together, and the rains fall.

Here are some more pictures of the guys doing their best to protect the land and homes of our neighboring ranchers:

This is a picture my Cowboy took while driving a bull dozer to the area of the fire so he could build a fire lane to help keep the fire from spreading.

They used helicopters and planes to keep track of the fires movements and drop fire retardants. Sometimes the winds were so high they couldn't fly (60-80mph!!!)

on the water truck (it's really a cattle sprayer that is normally used to spray the cows with wormer and tick medicine)

Our good freind Clay doin' work!

Clay and Jake

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  1. Have faith girl...seems there was some rain earlier today, though not more than a teaser. =( Did you guys get any of that??

    Praying for safety for you all!! =)

  2. Oh girl. I wish. It didn't even try here.....
