Saturday, October 22, 2011
Stuffed Jack-O-Lanterns!!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Another round of "You Might Be a Cowboy's Wife If......!!!"
If your husband wakes you up from a dead sleep to take a picture of what he caught, you might be a cowboy's wife.....especially if he caught a baby skunk
You might be a cowboy's wife if you are cleaning out your freezer and find a zip lock bag labeled badger hide...
If you ever get into your husbands truck and wonder what on earth that smell is, you might be a cowboy's wife!
If your dating life consists of going to the feed store and then climbing in and out of the truck all day to open gates for might be a cowboy's wife.
You might be a cowboy's wife if on any given sunday there are at least 3 horse trailers and 2 dogs at your church...
If your mom uses delivering you a load of hay from 1200 miles away as an excuse to visit, you might be a cowboy's wife.
If your 2yr old daughter has ever spent the day with her daddy and then all if a sudden she starts peeing in your might be a cowboy's wife!!
If you think driving 65mi one way to go to school is considered "just down the road" might be a cowboy's wife!
If you have a car...and a carport...but have never parked your car in the carport because the carport is too full of might be a cowboy's wife.
If there has ever been enough dirt and horse feed behind the seat of pick-up truck to actually grow oats, you might be a cowboy's wife.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
100 years too late
That's how long I've been married to a cowboy.
That's how much too late most cowboys are born.